cooking apple on the tree cwith water drops on it lose up

Project 52 2022 week 33

The summer holidays are rapidly going by. This week was back to work for me, while N spent a lot of time out on the farm and with friends. There was finally rain, although only 1 decent afternoon of it, the rest was just the odd shower here and there.

Here’s our week 33 of Project 52.

On Sunday it was a really lazy day. I’m sick of the hot weather – I just can’t do anything. I don’t know how the OH copes working in it, and N doesn’t seem bothered by it either. I basically read, watched the European Championships, and then cooked or ate. A relaxing last day before going back to work, but these really hot days where I’ve done nothing has felt like a waste. 

Monday wasn’t as big as shock as expected going back to work after my week off. Lots of others still on holiday I suppose, and I’d already checked in on my emails so knew I’d got rid of the irrelevant ones, and had no red unreads. I could just action them all today. It’s worryingly close to September and there’s so much to do, relying on others putting in the time to do their part. We were still awaiting the rain and cooler weather due.

On Tuesday it was a busy day at work. There’s lots going on, and not everything’s been going smoothly. At lunchtime I dropped N and a friend off at a friend’s birthday party. They were off to a lake inflatable course, and then pizza back home afterwards. N had an absolute blast and hasn’t stopped talking about it. He was picked up by a friend’s dad, and ended up being invited for a sleepover there. So they popped back in to grab his overnight gear, and off he went. We had rain. Quite a bit, although not enough to flood. Quite a few places in town did flood though – Tesco, and other shops had roof issues with rain coming through, as well as some of the roads holding a lot of standing water.

Wednesday N arrived back just after 9. He’d had a good time with a fried egg on toast for breakfast! I was working – I think lots of us are struggling with how much is going on. It’s just relentless, with lots of people changes too which is putting pressure on those remaining and inducting new people, and having to get up to speed on new projects. 

After work N had his football training, and I had a nice chat with a few of the other parents. Then I had rusty rackets. There were 5 of us, so rotated one person in/off each game. I actually won a service game! I reckon that’s the first time. I really need to go down to the courts and just practice. They’re looking for new players for the team but until I can be more consistent and have a safe second serve, I don’t think I’d make it.

On Thursday it was another busy work day. I was in the office because our electricity was going to be off all day. N went off with the OH on the farm. The office was really quiet, only about 12 people in. So I got lots done and not too many chatting distractions.

Friday was a nice short working day. They were moving cattle so it was busy on the farm and N enjoyed helping move them. I decided to book a last minute few days off using my Tesco vouchers. I’d accumulated £150 of them and some were going to expire at the end of this month, so I had £495 worth to spend. I debated Ireland but just the return ferry was going to cost £500! Instead we’ve got an apartment hotel in the north west, allowing for the OH will come along too if he decides to.

On Saturday we had a bit of a clear out day. I’ve been saying for ages N needs to clear out and make decent space so if he wants to do homework in his room, he’s got a clear desk. So the bottom of his wardrobe is cleared out of all the millions of coathangers, and various baby/toddler detritus that never got chucked. The tops of his shelving units are clear and much of the rest is also a lot better. There’s still a bit to do. 

Now we’ve got a few trips to the tip to make. And our house is full of even more recycling. Friday our recycling wasn’t collected, so not only did have I got last week’s recycling that can’t go in the bin, I’ve now got another huge bag to go out. It’s frustrating because having a Friday collection means you can’t report a missed collection until 5pm (despite them usually collecting by 9.30am), which means it doesn’t get picked up til Monday. Not only that, but they wouldn’t let me submit the form request because the website still says we have a Tuesday collection on the other nearby route (we don’t), and you can’t report via the form once 3 days have gone. So I’ve had to email, and hopefully they’ll collect on Tuesday. If they don’t I’ll have to take the recycling to the tip and hopefully they won’t make me separate everything. Needless to say, I’m also still waiting for my replacement kerbside caddy that I ordered a month ago.

cooking apple on the tree cwith water drops on it lose up

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  1. I don’t think I have ever been so grateful to work in an air conditioned shop as I struggle with the heat too. This is our second year of no apples on our tree, not sure why but it didn’t produce any blossom. Eliza and Isaac love inflatable water parks and have been a few times with friends over the summer

  2. I am like you, I can’t do much when it is hot and feel like we have had quite a few wasted days. Am glad when it cools down! You have reminded me that I need to check my Tesco vouchers!

    1. I always forget that the tesco vouchers expire. Takes so long to collect a decent amount now I’m doing less driving.

  3. Glad N had fun at his friend’s birthday party. So good to finally get some rain although not so good that some places had flooding and leaks. Sounds like things are hectic for you with work – hope it eases up a bit soon. So good to have a clear-out. I need to do the same once the kids are back at school! So frustrating that you had a missed collection with the recycling though. #project365

  4. The lake inflatable day sounds fun, think we did something similar when our kids were little up in the Cotswolds. Fab way to spend your Tesco vouchers, enjoy when it comes

  5. It sounds like the return to work has gone well. I was glad when the rain finally came although I did leave the bedroom window open and there was a bit of a puddle. Oops.
    That sounds a right bargain break away using your Tesco vouchers.
    Ohh! Apple trees, my dad is waiting for his to fully ripen, his look ripe but aren’t yet, he tried one during the week. lol x

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