button canvas art

Not so creative talent

Having N at nursery is a bonus when it comes to messy creative play as it means they get to do the tidying up and I get to enjoy the ‘pictures’ when they get brought home.  Although I did decide to buy a paper pack and some crayons to try and encourage him.

Well, I thought it would be an easy choice deciding what to go for:

  • Crayons – chunkier, easier for little hands, no lids for swallowing
  • Pens – dangerous lids, messier, more expensive
  • Pencils – too advanced
  • Chalks – too much dust everywhere, not good if eaten

So I opted for crayons…mistake.  All he wants to do with them is eat them (although he does enjoy taking them out of the pack and trying to put them back in!)

Maybe I need to get some pens?  Or maybe he has too many other things to investigate at home like saucepan cupboards, the larder, the utility room and the garden to be sitting down and drawing!

Think I’ll leave it to nursery for the time being.

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