300pbs week 12

300 picture book challenge week 12

Moving nicely through the year and we’re onto week 12 of our 300 picture book challenge.  We didn’t get through all of our library books this week, but exchanged them for some more anyway in the hope that N will be more interested in this week’s choices.

He’s also a fan of Biff and Chipper books.  I bought a huge load of them from The Book People when they were were on sale, but he likes reading them so we seem to go through a few at a time.  They are really dull books though…and what’s with a girl called Biff?  Reminds me of the bully in Back to the Future!

300pbs week 12


Our reading does seem quite sporadic at the moment.  Less during the day due to being outside a lot more, but then N will grab 4 or 5 at a time and want to go through them in one sitting.

  • Books this week 14
  • Total books to date: 175 (58%)

300 picture booksWhat kind of reader are your children?


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  1. We have read quite a few of these books when my daughter was younger, she is a big reader but she currently is reading the rainbow fairies series #readwithme

    1. My niece likes the rainbow fairies books too.

      I’m definitely hoping N will continue to read as he gets older. Seems so much harder for boys than girls. Thanks for commenting

    1. Seems to be quite a favourite series. I’d never come across them before, but N must have them at his nursery as he seems to know them

  2. We read hugless Douglas recently too. Some great books here, I love Paddington but I have yet to introduce these books to my daughter.

  3. Biff! Kids books always amuse me with the children’s names where you can tell they’re being too careful to be unspecific to a gender

  4. We have a set of the Biff Chip n Kipper books at home, they’ve been popular with all of the kids. Can’t go wrong with a bit of Elmer either 🙂 Thank you for linking up with #ReadWithMe I have tweeted and pinned this post. Would love for you to link up again next week 🙂 x

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